Source code for pyxs.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Implements various helpers.

    :copyright: (c) 2011 by Selectel, see AUTHORS for more details.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

__all__ = ["spec", "compile", "compose", "many", "many_or_none"]

import re
import posixpath
from functools import wraps
from future_builtins import map, zip

from .exceptions import InvalidTerm, InvalidPath, InvalidPermission

re_term = re.compile("""(?x)

[docs]def compile(term): """Compiles a given term to a name-validator pair, where validator is a function of a single argument, capable of validating values for `name`. .. note:: `reserved` values aren't compiled, since there aren't used anywhere but in the DEBUG operation, which is not a priority. """ match = re_term.match(term) if not match: raise InvalidTerm(term) else: (name, # Argument name. null_allowed, # Values are allowed to contain NULLs. null_ending, # Values are allowed to have a trailing NULL. repeat # Do we need to repeat previous pattern? ) = match.groups() regex = re.compile("^{0}+?{1}$".format( "[\x20-\x7f\x00]" if null_allowed else "[\x20-\x7f]", "\x00" if null_ending else "" ).encode("utf-8")) if not repeat: v = lambda x: regex.match(x) elif repeat == "+": v = many(regex.match) elif repeat == "*": v = many_or_none(regex.match) else: raise InvalidTerm(term) v.__name__ = name.encode("utf-8") v.null_ending = bool(null_ending) return v
[docs]def spec(*terms): """Decorator, which links a given spec to the wrapped function, by updating its ``__spec__`` attribute with a list of validators for each spec term. The following symbols can be used in term definitions: ======= ============================================================ Symbol Description ======= ============================================================ ``|`` A ``NULL`` (zero) byte. <foo> A string guaranteed not to contain any ``NULL`` bytes. <foo|> Binary data (which may contain zero or more ``NULL`` bytes). <foo>|* Zero or more strings each followed by a trailing ``NULL``. <foo>|+ One or more strings each followed by a trailing ``NULL``. ? Reserved value (may not contain ``NULL`` bytes). ?? Reserved value (may contain ``NULL`` bytes). ======= ============================================================ .. note:: According to ``docs/misc/xenstore.txt`` in the current implementation reserved values are just empty strings. So for example ``"\\x00\\x00\\x00"`` is a valid ``??`` symbol. """ def decorator(func): func.__spec__ = list(map(compile, terms)) @wraps(func) def inner(self, *args): args = [force_bytes(a) for a in args] for idx, (v, arg) in enumerate(zip(func.__spec__, args)): # .. note:: some string arguments are required to # have C-ish null ending, instead of doing # it; which obviously is a mess in Python, # so we do it implicitly inside a decorator. # This is a bit dirty of course <_< if v.null_ending: args[idx] = arg = append_null(arg) if not v(arg): raise ValueError(arg) # There's a bunch of 'special' arguments which require # extra validation, for instance 'path' and 'perms'. if v.__name__ in extra_validators: extra_validators[v.__name__](arg) else: return func(self, *args) return inner return decorator
def validate_path(path): """Checks if a given path is valid, see :exc:`~pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPath` for details. :param bytes path: path to check. :raises pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPath: when path fails to validate. """ # Paths longer than 3072 bytes are forbidden; clients specifying # relative paths should keep them to within 2048 bytes. max_len = 3072 if posixpath.abspath(path) else 2048 if not (re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9-/_@]+\x00?$", path) and len(path) <= max_len): raise InvalidPath(path) # A path is not allowed to have a trailing /, except for the # root path and shouldn't have dount //'s. if (len(path) > 1 and path[-1] == b"/") or b"//" in path: raise InvalidPath(path) def validate_wpath(wpath): """Checks if a given watch path is valid -- it should either be a valid path or a special, starting with ``@`` character. :param bytes wpath: watch path to check. :raises pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPath: when path fails to validate. """ if (wpath.startswith(b"@") and not re.match(b"^@(?:introduceDomain|releaseDomain)\x00?$", wpath)): raise InvalidPath(wpath) else: validate_path(wpath) def validate_perms(perms): """Checks if a given list of permision follows the format described in :meth:`~pyxs.client.Client.get_perms`. :param list perms: permissions to check. :raises pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPermissions: when any of the permissions fail to validate. """ for perm in perms: if not re.match(b"[wrbn]\d+", perm): raise InvalidPermission(perm) #: A dictionary of extra validators for some variable names. extra_validators = { "path": validate_path, "wpath": validate_wpath, "perms": validate_perms }
[docs]def compose(*fs): """Compose any number of one-argument functions into a single one. >>> f = compose(sum, lambda x: x + 10) >>> f([1, 2, 3]) 16 """ return lambda x: reduce(lambda x, f: f(x), fs, x)
[docs]def many(f): """Convert a one-argument predicate function to a function, which takes a various number of arguments and return ``True`` only when predicate is truthy for each of them; otherwise ``False`` is returned. >>> f = many(lambda x: x > 5) >>> f([1, 5, 9]) False >>> f([11, 15, 19]) True """ return lambda xs: len(xs) and many_or_none(f)(xs)
[docs]def many_or_none(f): """Convert a one-argument predicate function to a gunction, which takes a various number of arguments and returns ``True`` when predicate is truty for each of them or no arguments were provided; otherwise ``False`` is returned. >>> f = many_or_none(lambda x: x > 5) >>> f([]) True >>> f([11, 15, 19]) True """ return lambda xs: all(map(f, xs))
def append_null(value): """Appends ``NULL`` to string values if they don't yet have one. >>> append_null(b"foo") b'foo\x00' >>> append_null([b"foo", b"bar\x00"]) [b'foo\x00', b'bar\x00'] """ if isinstance(value, basestring) and not value.endswith(b"\x00"): return value + b"\x00" elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"): return list(map(append_null, value)) else: return value def force_bytes(value): """Coerces a given value to :func:`bytes`. >>> force_bytes(u"foo") b"foo" >>> force_bytes([u"foo", 1, None]) [b'foo', b'1', b'None'] """ if isinstance(value, bytes): return value if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode("utf-8") elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"): return list(map(force_bytes, value)) else: return bytes(value)