Source code for pyxs.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module implements XenStore client, which uses multiple connection
    options for communication: :class:`UnixSocketConnection` and
    :class:`XenBusConnection`. Note however, that the latter one can
    be a bit buggy, when dealing with ``WATCH_EVENT`` packets, so
    using :class:`UnixSocketConnection` is preferable.

    :copyright: (c) 2011 by Selectel, see AUTHORS for more details.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

__all__ = ["Client"]

import copy
import errno
import re
import posixpath
from collections import deque

from ._internal import Event, Packet, Op
from .connection import UnixSocketConnection, XenBusConnection
from .exceptions import UnexpectedPacket, PyXSError
from .helpers import validate_path, validate_watch_path, validate_perms, \
    dict_merge, force_unicode, error

[docs]class Client(object): """XenStore client -- <useful comment>. :param str xen_bus_path: path to XenBus device, implies that :class:`~pyxs.connectionXenBusConnection` is used as a backend. :param str unix_socket_path: path to XenStore Unix domain socket, usually something like ``/var/run/xenstored/socket`` -- implies that :class:`~pyxs.connection.UnixSocketConnection` is used as a backend. :param float socket_timeout: see :func:`socket.settimeout` for details. :param bool transaction: if ``True`` :meth:`transaction_start` will be issued right after connection is established. .. note:: :class:`~pyxs.connection.UnixSocketConnection` is used as a fallback value, if backend cannot be determined from arguments given. Here's a quick example: >>> with Client() as c: ... c.write("/foo/bar", "baz") ..."/foo/bar") 'OK' 'baz' """ COMMAND_VALIDATORS = dict_merge( dict.fromkeys([Op.READ, Op.MKDIR, Op.RM, Op.DIRECTORY, Op.GET_PERMS], validate_path), dict.fromkeys([Op.WRITE], lambda p, v: validate_path(p)), dict.fromkeys([Op.SET_PERMS], lambda p, *perms: validate_path(p) and validate_perms(perms)), dict.fromkeys([Op.GET_DOMAIN_PATH, Op.IS_DOMAIN_INTRODUCED, Op.INTRODUCE, Op.RELEASE, Op.SET_TARGET], lambda *domids: all(d[:-1].isdigit() for d in domids)), dict.fromkeys([Op.WATCH, Op.UNWATCH], lambda p, t: validate_path(p) and validate_watch_path(p)) ) #: A flag, which is ``True`` if we're operating on control domain #: and else otherwise. try: SU = open("/proc/xen/capabilities").read() == "control_d\n" except (IOError, OSError): SU = False def __init__(self, unix_socket_path=None, socket_timeout=None, xen_bus_path=None, connection=None, transaction=None): if connection: self.connection = connection elif unix_socket_path or not xen_bus_path: self.connection = UnixSocketConnection( unix_socket_path, socket_timeout=socket_timeout) else: self.connection = XenBusConnection(xen_bus_path) self.tx_id = 0 = deque() if transaction: # Requesting a new transaction id. self.tx_id = self.transaction_start() def __enter__(self): self.connection.connect() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if not any(exc_info) and self.tx_id: self.transaction_end(commit=True) self.connection.disconnect() # Private API. # ............ def execute_command(self, op, *args, **kwargs): args = [force_unicode(arg) + "\x00" for arg in args] if not self.COMMAND_VALIDATORS.get(op, lambda *args: True)(*args): raise ValueError(args) elif not all(re.match("^[\x00\x20-\x7f]+$", arg) for arg in args): raise ValueError(args) kwargs["tx_id"] = self.tx_id # Forcing ``tx_id`` here. self.connection.send(Packet(op, "".join(args), **kwargs)) # If we have any watched paths `XenStore` will send watch events # mixed with replies to other operations, so we loop untill we # recieve a packet with an expected operation type. while True: packet = self.connection.recv() # According to ``xenstore.txt`` erroneous responses start with # a capital E and end with ``NULL``-byte. if packet.op is Op.ERROR: raise error(packet.payload[:-1]) # Incoming packet should either be a watch event or have the # same operation type as the packet sent. elif packet.op is Op.WATCH_EVENT: elif packet.op is not op: raise UnexpectedPacket(packet) # Making sure sent and recieved packets are within the same # transaction -- not relevant for # `XenBusConnection`, for # some reason it sometimes returns *random* values of tx_id # and rq_id. elif (not isinstance(self.connection, XenBusConnection) and packet.tx_id is not self.tx_id): raise UnexpectedPacket(packet) else: break return packet.payload.rstrip("\x00") def ack(self, *args): if self.execute_command(*args) != "OK": raise PyXSError("Ooops ...") # Public API. # ...........
[docs] def read(self, path): """Reads data from a given path. :param str path: a path to read from. """ return self.execute_command(Op.READ, path)
__getitem__ = read
[docs] def write(self, path, value): """Writes data to a given path. :param value: data to write (can be of any type, but will be coerced to :func:`bytes` eventually). :param str path: a path to write to. """ self.ack(Op.WRITE, path, value)
__setitem__ = write
[docs] def mkdir(self, path): """Ensures that a given path exists, by creating it and any missing parents with empty values. If `path` or any parent already exist, its value is left unchanged. :param str path: path to directory to create. """ self.ack(Op.MKDIR, path)
[docs] def rm(self, path): """Ensures that a given does not exist, by deleting it and all of its children. It is not an error if `path` doesn't exist, but it **is** an error if `path`'s immediate parent does not exist either. :param str path: path to directory to remove. """ self.ack(Op.RM, path)
__delitem__ = rm
[docs] def ls(self, path): """Returns a list of names of the immediate children of `path`. :param str path: path to list. """ payload = self.execute_command(Op.DIRECTORY, path) return [] if payload is "" else payload.split("\x00")
[docs] def get_permissions(self, path): """Returns a list of permissions for a given `path`, see :exc:`~pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPermission` for details on permission format. :param str path: path to get permissions for. """ payload = self.execute_command(Op.GET_PERMS, path) return payload.split("\x00")
[docs] def set_permissions(self, path, perms): """Sets a access permissions for a given `path`, see :exc:`~pyxs.exceptions.InvalidPermission` for details on permission format. :param str path: path to set permissions for. :param list perms: a list of permissions to set. """ self.ack(Op.SET_PERMS, path, *perms)
[docs] def watch(self, wpath, token): """Adds a watch. When a `path` is modified (including path creation, removal, contents change or permissions change) this generates an event on the changed `path`. Changes made in transactions cause an event only if and when committed. :param str wpath: path to watch. :param str token: watch token, returned in watch notification. """ self.ack(Op.WATCH, wpath, token)
[docs] def unwatch(self, wpath, token): """Removes a previously added watch. :param str wpath: path to unwatch. :param str token: watch token, passed to :meth:`watch`. """ self.ack(Op.UNWATCH, wpath, token)
[docs] def wait(self): """Waits for any of the watched paths to generate an event, which is a ``(path, token)`` pair, where the first element is event path, i.e. the actual path that was modified and second element is a token, passed to the :meth:`watch`. """ if packet = else: while True: packet = self.connection.recv() if packet.op is Op.WATCH_EVENT: break return Event(*packet.payload.split("\x00")[:-1])
[docs] def walk(self, top, topdown=True): """Walk XenStore, yielding 3-tuples ``(path, value, children)`` for each node in the tree, rooted at node `top`. :param str top: node to start from. :param bool topdown: see :func:`os.walk` for details. """ try: children = except PyXSError: return try: value = except PyXSError: value = "" # '/' or no read permissions? if topdown: yield top, value, children for child in children: for x in self.walk(posixpath.join(top, child)): yield x if not topdown: yield top, value, children
[docs] def get_domain_path(self, domid): """Returns the domain's base path, as is used for relative transactions: ex: ``"/local/domain/<domid>"``. If a given `domid` doesn't exists the answer is undefined. :param int domid: domain to get base path for. """ return self.execute_command(Op.GET_DOMAIN_PATH, domid)
[docs] def is_domain_introduced(self, domid): """Returns ``True`` if ``xenstored`` is in communication with the domain; that is when `INTRODUCE` for the domain has not yet been followed by domain destruction or explicit `RELEASE`; and ``False`` otherwise. :param int domid: domain to check status for. """ payload = self.execute_command(Op.IS_DOMAIN_INTRODUCED, domid) return {"T": True, "F": False}[payload]
[docs] def introduce_domain(self, domid, mfn, eventchn): """Tells ``xenstored`` to communicate with this domain. :param int domid: a real domain id, (``0`` is forbidden). :param long mfn: address of xenstore page in `domid`. :param int eventchn: an unbound event chanel in `domid`. """ if not domid: raise ValueError("Dom0 cannot be introduced.") self.ack(Op.INTRODUCE, domid, mfn, eventchn)
[docs] def release_domain(self, domid): """Manually requests ``xenstored`` to disconnect from the domain. :param int domid: domain to disconnect. .. note:: ``xenstored`` will in any case detect domain destruction and disconnect by itself. """ if not self.SU: raise error(errno.EPERM) self.ack(Op.RELEASE, domid)
[docs] def resume_domain(self, domid): """Tells ``xenstored`` to clear its shutdown flag for a domain. This ensures that a subsequent shutdown will fire the appropriate watches. :param int domid: domain to resume. """ if not self.SU: raise error(errno.EPERM) self.ack(Op.RESUME, domid)
[docs] def set_target(self, domid, target): """Tells ``xenstored`` that a domain is targetting another one, so it should let it tinker with it. This grants domain `domid` full access to paths owned by `target`. Domain `domid` also inherits all permissions granted to `target` on all other paths. :param int domid: domain to set target for. :param int target: target domain (yours truly, Captain). """ if not self.SU: raise error(errno.EPERM) self.ack(Op.SET_TARGET, domid, target)
[docs] def transaction_start(self): """Starts a new transaction and returns transaction handle, which is simply an int. .. warning:: Currently ``xenstored`` has a bug that after 2^32 transactions it will allocate id 0 for an actual transaction. """ payload = self.execute_command(Op.TRANSACTION_START, "") return int(payload)
[docs] def transaction_end(self, commit=True): """End a transaction currently in progress; if no transaction is running no command is sent to XenStore. """ if self.tx_id: self.ack(Op.TRANSACTION_END, ["F", "T"][commit]) self.tx_id = 0
[docs] def transaction(self): """Returns a new :class:`Client` instance, operating within a new transaction; can only be used only when no transaction is running. Here's an example: >>> with Client().transaction() as t: ... t.do_something() ... t.transaction_end(commit=True) However, the last line is completely optional, since the default behaviour is to commit everything on context manager exit. :raises pyxs.exceptions.PyXSError: if this client is linked to and active transaction. """ if self.tx_id: raise error(errno.EALREADY) return Client(connection=copy.copy(self.connection), transaction=True)